Stop the hustle.
Just for a minute.
Have the feeling that MORE is possible?
Like something new is wanting to happen in your life and you need a break from the daily to really tune in to what's calling you?
Curious about how to play with the Universe?
This is an indicator from your soul that you're ready for the next level.
Leveling up is a nonlinear experience, and when you’re built to innovate and lead like you are, you’ve got to be fluent in the realms outside of the physical too. You know there’s more to this human experience than meets the eye, but when’s the last time you played in the energetic realm and trusted what you got? Challenged the mental to find more expansion? Listened to your heart to get in touch with what matters? Remember when your creativity lit you up? Remember when the sense of awe and wonder was a regular experience?
You aren’t like everybody else. When life gets too routine, you start to get buggy. If you haven’t had an adventure in a while, you notice your energy levels wane and colors lose their vibrancy. So join me for 7 nights in the beautiful Andes Mountains for the experience of a lifetime that will have you running on all cylinders, tapping into the field of what's all around you that most people don't even know they're swimming in.
Standing on the edge of the cliff is exhilarating because you know living fully doesn’t mean being comfortable.
I’m inviting you to jump.
Rebel Sage Ecuador Retreat
October 17th - 24th, 2021
The Valley of Longevity in the Andes Mountains
This is your opportunity to tune in to what wants to come through you. And that requires stillness, listening, and expanding your consciousness.
We’ll be working with plant medicine to create those openings, as well as experiential exercises, discussions and Lisa’s undivided attention to coach you through the sticky spots. You won’t come back the same person because something will have shifted about your perspective, your definition of yourself, and how you want to play in the world.

We will be traveling to beautiful Vilcabamba, Ecuador - the Valley of Longevity - in the Andes Mountains for a mindfully-designed experience that includes:
7 days of unplugging from the noise of everyday life, and plugging into Self, Spirit, nature and life's mysteries.
Join your fellow seekers of freedom, truth, inspiration, and adventure in discovering your Unlearned Self and what s/he has to share with you.
7 days of Lisa's undivided attention, coaching through sticky spots, and experiential discussions, exercises and invitations that have you questioning life as you've learned it.
Working with plant medicine(s) in a safe and trusted environment to create new openings of consciousness and possibility.
Unveiling new levels of awareness that have you showing up more connected, clear and confident about who you are and what matters most to you.
Time to BE with yoga, hammock and pool time, homemade, fresh & local foods, hiking and breath-taking views.
Integration throughout the retreat so you are returning home with a clear vision of what you are consciously creating in your life.
Bonus book club! We will be priming the pump for this experience through a curated book study that will poke at the edges of reality, or at least what we think reality is. This also gives you a chance to get to know your fellow travelers and set your possibilities into motion! Details provided upon registration.
Rebel Sage Retreats are adventures in consciousness designed to create new levels of awareness that have you unlearning old patterns, remembering what matters most to you, unveiling the mysteries of life with other like-minded pioneers, and creating new realities.

This retreat is for you if:
you want to be part of the next shift in consciousness - you can feel the future calling you.
you believe experience to be a powerful teacher.
you know you need time away and a jump start to channel the next iteration of you and your life purpose.
you crave adventure and know that changing your perspective feeds your creativity, innovation and fills your tank.
you're ready to excavate the next layer of you that allows you to lead with more clarity, alignment, compassion and collaboration.
you want to create a better relationship with uncertainty and you value tuning in to wisdom practices that support your instinctual, intuitive, gut-knowing.
you know connecting with yourself, the natural world and like-minded souls feeds you on a deep level. Instead of small talk, you prefer experiences with like-minded people that have signed up for the ‘DEEP DIVE’ option on their soul passport.
Rebel Sage Experiences
Disrupt the predictable to create the extraordinary.
"Through the retreat with Lisa, I became aware of the things in my life that were making me sick and needed to be eliminated. I am now able to approach life and decision-making with greater clarity rather than getting stuck in emotions and indecision. I also learned how important positivity is and have been practicing daily with all that we experienced in the retreat. My personal and professional life finally feels aligned!"
- Dr. Peter Brofman

"Through this life-changing experience I learned that I have created a lot of behavioral patterns that have kept me stuck in a way of life that I was unhappy with. Through the process of the retreat and Lisa's one-on-one guidance, I learned how to recognize and break those unhealthy patterns that were holding me back.
The most impactful thing I learned is that the stories from my past were shaping the way I was reacting and responding to current life stressors. Through our work, I learned how to let those stories go so I can live in the present and move forward with my vision for my life and create the impact I know I'm capable of."
- Erin Hodge
This retreat is NOT for you if:
You aren’t willing to be vulnerable and learn something new.
It’s more important for you to listen to the logic of your mind than the YES coming from your heart or gut.
You aren’t willing to invest in yourself to step into greater freedom.
You're looking for a conventional, tame, typical or vanilla experience.

I empower people to find their freedom.
I love sharing experiences that explore the great mystery of life as it keeps unveiling itself and as I continue my own personal evolution. It lights me up to guide people back to themselves - to living lives they're inspired by. To trust themselves at a whole new level that has them finding their own rhythm and flow.
I work with clients in a unique way combining my experience in Chinese medicine and Eastern philosophy, mentoring, The Hakomi Method, mindfulness & body-based practices, spiritual guidance, and my passion for what I call ‘adventures in consciousness’ to support people to connect with the truth of their heart and take inspired action.
It's time for you to disconnect from your regularly programmed life, and connect to the part of you that knows the way. This is an invitation to listen and step into your own connection with your heart.
And I am excited to be your guide.
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