Lisa Welden
Experience Junkie. Transformational Coach & Retreat Leader.
My calling is to help you follow yours.
I love to conspire with people that are following dreams, nudges and longings to create something in their life that feels exciting and maybe even a little (or a lot) scary at the same time. Callings can come in the most unexpected ways - like through creating a business, physical ailments, relationship changes, life transitions or random conversations with strangers. One of my first callings as an adult came through catching a man who passed out at a bar (that eventually led me to getting a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine!).
I consider callings to be a sacred agreement - one that requires you to walk in unfamiliar territory and do the inner work that becomes your path of self-actualization.
Through an alchemy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, transformational coaching, BG5 consulting, equine facilitated learning and LOTS of lived experience (more 'official stuff" here), what lights me up is to support people in developing an embodied, heart-centered and trustworthy relationship with themselves that allows them to take tangible steps towards what's calling. And that has a ripple effect across all aspects of life.
I encourage you to follow that calling - what lives on the other side is more YOU, more LIFE and more of what's NEEDED in the world.
Having founded 3 businesses, I'm on my own journey of transformation and have followed my calling into the Unknown over and over again, designing and structuring businesses that answer that calling and support me and my clients. I have also experienced the growing pains of being complete with a business or modality, taking the time to 'winter' until the next calling forms and taking steps to transition into what's next.
I'm proud to say that in my many years of guiding people to follow their calling, no one has gotten lost AND
all have found parts of themselves they are no longer willing to live without.
Ready to follow your calling?